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Childhood Obesity is a Genetic Obesity?

Childhood Obesity

As we all know childhood obesity now a day’s is the most serious health concern worldwide. It is mainly caused due to eating disorders, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, hereditary and so on. Children whose body weight is more than it should be according to their height and weight are treated as obese. Overweight children are at an increased risk of being overweight adult. The amount of body fat varies in children at different stages of their growth and development and based on their looks and weight you cannot say whether they are obese or not. Children who are obese are more at risk of developing various health issues like asthma, sleeping disorders, Hypertension, cholesterol, heart diseases and so on. Obesity increases the risk of joint problems like arthritis. This is because heavy weight increases pressure on joints and causes joint inflammation. Childhood not just affects physically but also impacts them mentally and emotionally. Due to their heavy weight obese children are more likely to get teased by other co students and friends, which increases stress and can also lead to depression. There may not be any serious notable signs or symptoms you can actually notice in obese children except their increased weight.

Homeopathy Treatment for Childhood obesity

Chances and causes of childhood obesity

Do you know genetics plays a crucial role in obesity especially childhood obesity. Weight along with growth and development of your children are strongly influenced by genetics. Family history or children with family members like father or mother or brother with overweight and obesity are at an increased risk of being obese. Genetics and family history of obesity increases the chances of obesity among children. Along with genetics, several other factors also causes childhood obesity like

  • Physical inactivity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Eating disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances

Children now a day’s are spending more time with electronic gadgets like mobiles, tablets, laptops and others instead of playing outdoor games. This physical inactivity and sitting for longer periods in front of TV’s and electronic gadgets leads to accumulation of fats in the body. Obese children can also develop skin problems in long run along with other health complications like metabolic syndrome, sleeping disorders, non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and several other chronic disorders.

Homeopathy Treatment For Obesity

Children can get relief from heavy weight and childhood obesity problems with the help of homeopathy treatment. Obesity treatment in homeopathy is safe, has no side effects and is non toxic as it uses natural remedies extracted from plants, vegetables and other natural minerals. Homeopathy treatment for obesity is very effective as it is suggested based on symptoms and theory of individualization. Obesity problems in homeopathy are addressed by focusing on the root cause of the problem like unhealthy diet, lack of exercises, eating disorders and so on. Homeopathy along with treating obesity also aims at overall wellbeing by improving immunity system.’o832q